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For many, full, round, and naturally large-looking breasts represent beauty and femininity. MTF Breast augmentation in Kirkland is a surgical procedure that can enhance the breasts' size, shape, or fullness, giving you renewed confidence in your body. Especially for transwomen, this procedure can be life-changing by providing greater congruence between their inner and outer selves. In Kirkland MTF breast augmentation can help you "blend in" more effectively when that is your aesthetic goal. At Tseng Plastic Surgery, you can attain this vital step in the male-to-female transition with Dr. Mark Tseng's MTF breast augmentation surgery in Kirkland.

MTF Breast Augmentation  Kirklandand Bellevue


Implants are placed either over or under the chest wall muscle. While placing the implant under the muscle can create a more natural look, recovery time and pain are generally increased.

To place the implant, MTF Breast Augmentation surgeon, Dr. Tseng, will make a small incision near the breast area, then create a pocket holding the implant. Dr. Tseng can discuss potential incision locations during your consultation to ensure the proper technique is chosen to best suit your anatomy.

MTF Breast Augmentation is a standard and safe procedure, generally taking one to two hours to complete when dissolvable sutures are placed. Afterward, you'll wear a surgical garment around the breasts until your first post-op appointment.


Before having MTF Breast Augmentation Kirkland and Bellevue plastic surgeons and insurance companies require you to obtain one letter of support from a mental health provider who is competent in transgender health. That mental health provider will determine that you meet the World Professional Association of Transgender Health standards of care criteria. The criteria state that you must:

  • Have persistent and well-documented gender dysphoria
  • Be able to make a fully informed decision and consent to treatment
  • Have reached the legal age to make health care decisions in your country, which is eighteen in the United States
  • Be successfully managing any significant medical or mental health concerns

Additionally, your healthcare provider will evaluate your health to address any medical conditions that might affect treatment, which includes:

  • A review of your personal and family medical history
  • A physical exam
  • Lab tests measuring your testosterone levels
  • Age- and sex-appropriate screenings
  • Identification and management of tobacco use, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse
  • Testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, along with treatment, if necessary

It is important to note that while breast augmentation is similar for trans and cisgender women, transgender women generally have broader chests and shoulders. A larger implant may be necessary to appear more natural and proportional. Additionally, transwomen have lower nipples, so the natural breast crease may need to be lowered and adequately centered with the implant. If these measures are agreeable, you are likely a good candidate for MTF Breast Augmentation.

 You will ideally have taken hormone therapy for at least 12 months before MTF Breast Augmentation for the best possible results. Doing so results in nipple growth and the development of some breast tissue, so surgery is likely to be more successful with better cosmetic results.


Recovery from MTF Breast Augmentation is considerably short and manageable, with most patients returning to work in approximately one week. During the first few days post-surgery, rest is crucial. Avoid the following during the first few weeks:

  • Driving
  • Lifting
  • Reaching

Your breasts will likely feel tender and swollen, but most Kirkland MTF Breast Augmentation patients report that their pain is mild to moderate, and you'll be sent home with a prescription for medication to address any pain issues.

Breast massage is an essential self-care technique that will improve your body's ability to heal from the surgery, so you'll be taught this technique at your post-op appointment. Because transwomen have a larger pec muscles, the implant sits higher on the chest wall; diligent breast massage and compression will help the implant to "drop" into a more natural position.

Regarding the results of MTF breast augmentation, it is essential to have realistic expectations. You'll have fuller, more feminine breasts, but augmented breasts look and feel somewhat different than natural breasts. Especially for transwomen who undergo breast augmentation in middle age or beyond, the breasts may be firmer, rounder, and slightly further apart.


MTF Breast Augmentation is a vital component of the male-to-female transition because it provides numerous physical and psychological benefits for the transwoman. Because this procedure differs for transwomen compared to ciswomen, you must choose a surgeon with specialized knowledge and skill.

When under the care of Dr. Tseng, you can trust his vast experience in plastic surgery, which includes over two decades in practice. His passion for aesthetics and his artistic eye have earned a reputation for excellence with his custom breast enhancement surgery in Kirkland and Auburn.

Beyond his surgical skills and individualized approach, he has established a practice based on honesty, integrity, and results. Dr. Tseng performs custom breast augmentation surgery at reasonable prices, making this life-changing and affirming procedure more accessible.

Mark H. Tseng, M.D.

Schedule your consultation with Kirkland, WA, plastic surgeon DR. MARK H. TSENG, M.D.

Relax in a luxurious, private environment where we focus on ensuring you are comfortable, cared for, and love your results.