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Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Bellevue, WA

Bringing harmony to facial features can be a complex and nuanced process. For those who would like to refine the appearance of their nose while still representing and embracing their unique ethnic identity, an Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Bellevue, WA, with Dr. Tseng and the team at Tseng Plastic Surgery, may be the perfect solution.


Bellevue plastic surgeon Mark H. Tseng, M.D.

What is Ethnic Rhinoplasty?

The goal of ethnic rhinoplasty is to create aesthetically pleasing features that are harmonious with the patient's unique ethnic characteristics. This creates a nose that enhances the patient's natural appearance. Similar to standard rhinoplasty, the surgery involves making small incisions near or inside the nose, modifying the skin, tissue, and occasionally bone, and then repositioning them to achieve the desired outcome. During this reshaping and sculpting, Dr. Tseng is careful to preserve the patient's ethnic identity and enhance their natural features rather than replace them.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty vs Traditional Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has been among the top three most popular cosmetic surgical procedures for more than the last decade. The request for a traditional rhinoplasty often includes the desire to correct a hooked nose, a bulbous tip, or a hump, which can typically be achieved using standard treatment plans.

However, those seeking ethnic rhinoplasty may need a more nuanced approach. This method takes into account features of their nose related to their ethnicity or heritage that they would like to preserve while still achieving their ideal, improved aesthetic. Ethnic rhinoplasty could include Asian Rhinoplasty, Indian Rhinoplasty, African American Rhinoplasty, or other ethnic groups.

Benefits of Ethnic Rhinoplasty

With ethnic rhinoplasty Bellevue patients can enhance the overall aesthetics of their nose while preserving your cultural identity. With a fully customized, ethnically sensitive surgical plan, this procedure could be an excellent choice for you to achieve your goals. Our ethnic rhinoplasty patients enjoy multiple benefits, including:

  • Improved nose definition with tailored sculpting
  • Address a flat or bulbous tip through cartilage adjustment
  • Bring the bridge of your nose into better harmony with overall facial features
  • Correct functional issues such as a deviated septum
Bellevue rhinoplasty model with brown hair

Am I a candidate for Ethnic Rhinoplasty?

Bellevue ethnic rhinoplasty candidates should be in generally good health and clearly understand the anticipated outcomes of cosmetic surgery. This procedure can effectively address issues such as symmetry, dorsal humps, nasal width, breathing difficulties, and disproportionate nasal tips.

Consultation and Preparation

During your consultation for an ethnic rhinoplasty Bellevue plastic surgeon, Dr. Tseng, will take time to discuss your unique aesthetic goals and craft a custom treatment plan. He will also learn about your medical history to ensure you are a good candidate for this procedure. Labs or other preliminary work may be required prior to surgery.


Ethnic rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia. The procedure typically involves detaching the skin from the nose's underlying structures to reshape it according to the patient's desired outcome. After adjusting and sculpting, the skin is repositioned and reattached, and the whole process typically takes 1.5 to 2 hours.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Bellevue ethnic rhinoplasty patients may experience some swelling, tenderness, or minor bruising after their procedure, but these typically resolve within a few days, and total downtime is usually around one week. In most cases, final results are seen in about three to six months once all residual swelling has gone down.

Why Tseng Plastic Surgery?

With over two decades of experience, a stellar educational background, and thousands of patients served, Dr. Mark Tseng is dedicated to providing each patient with fully personalized and comprehensive treatment plans. He understands that in the same way that each individual is unique, their aesthetic goals and the best way to achieve them will be just as unique.

Schedule Your Bellevue Ethnic Rhinoplasty Consultation at Tseng Plastic Surgery Today

Call us now at (425) 217-8599 or fill out our simple contact form anytime and we'll give you a call at your convenience.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty FAQS

Is Ethnic Rhinoplasty painful?

While patients may experience some discomfort or mild pain during recovery, ethnic rhinoplasty surgery is typically not considered highly painful and can often be managed with over-the-counter medications and regular icing.

What are the risks associated with Ethnic Rhinoplasty?

As with most cosmetic surgical procedures, there are some risks, such as bleeding, swelling, or bruising. More serious complications like infection or adverse anesthesia reactions are possible but are rare.

Is Ethnic Rhinoplasty permanent?

Yes, this procedure permanently adjusts skin and tissue along with bone and cartilage in some cases, and the results are lifelong.

How long after Ethnic Rhinoplasty can I wear glasses?

This will depend on the weight and design of your glasses. Lightweight frames can usually be worn again after about one to two weeks, while heavier frames should not be worn for around four to six weeks.

How much does Ethnic Rhinoplasty cost?

The cost an of ethnic rhinoplasty depends on the scope of the procedure and the individual needs of each patient.

Schedule your consultation with Kirkland, WA, plastic surgeon DR. MARK H. TSENG, M.D.

Relax in a luxurious, private environment where we focus on ensuring you are comfortable, cared for, and love your results.